General Data Protection Regulations


Data Held By RAFOS

Membership List.

The RAFOS Membership List may contain details of members’ title, name, postal address, telephone number and email address where we have been given them.

The Membership List is maintained by the Membership Secretary. Copies may be held by any other Committee member requiring it for their RAFOS duties.

Additional Data.

The Treasurer holds a record of members’ subscription fees paid and bank account details if applicable.

The Secretary holds a list of those members who have consented to receiving notification of publication of the biannual newsletter by email and their email address.

The Secretary will compile a list of those members attending an AGM with their car details if applicable and a list of their wishes to take lunch and/or the evening meal. These data may be passed to the RAF Police or similar organisation controlling access to the AGM and to the evening venue as applicable. Names of members sending apologies for absence will be recorded in the AGM Minutes.

The Social Media Member holds a list of the people granted access to the RAFOS Facebook closed group.

Expedition Leaders may hold participants’ details as in the Membership List and also details of next of kin and/or ‘In case of emergency’ contacts plus any other information required for that expedition.

No data are held for minors. Should a minor become a member then the above paragraphs will apply.

Data Source.

All the above data are provided by the individual members.

Data Retention

Personal and financial data for a member as described above will be held for the duration of that person’s membership.

Additional information for AGMs will be retained until the Minutes of the AGM are published.

Additional information held by the Social Media Member will be held for as long as the individual is granted access to the Facebook closed group.

Additional information for expedition participants will normally be held only until the expedition report is published in the Minutes of a Committee meeting. However, this information may be retained if the participant is expected to participate in a further expedition of a series, for example, Expedition WINTER DUCK.

Data Sharing

Members’ personal data may be shared with Committee members or expedition leaders when necessary for the execution of their duties. Beyond this, no member’s data may be shared without the consent of that member.

Jan Knight



RAFOS Secretary

11 Jun 18


Under the new General Data Protection Regulations we need to tell you what we do with the personal information that you have supplied to us. RAFOS is committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring the security of your personal data. When you joined RAFOS you gave us your name and address for the purposes of receiving newsletters and other communications such as publicity for events. If you provided a telephone number and/or email address this may be used for direct communication on RAFOS matters.

Your details are held by the Membership Secretary and are available to some other Committee members who need to communicate directly with members. However, we do not contact our members for marketing purposes. The Treasurer holds details of members’ method of payment of subscriptions and bank details if applicable. We will never pass on your details to any other person or organisation unless you ask us to do so, for example to your bank if you complete a Standing Order mandate to pay your subscription.

Your personal data is not used for any automated decision making or profiling. We keep your personal data for as long as your membership of RAFOS is active and may retain a record of your name and period of membership for archiving purposes.

You have the right to see the personal data that we hold about you and the right to have any incorrect information amended. You also have the right to request that your personal data is erased, or to object to its processing: however, we will no longer be able to communicate with you about your membership or to provide you with a newsletter or publicity of events. You also have a right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office if you believe that your personal data has been misused.

If you have any queries about your personal data held by RAFOS, please contact Jan Knight at or write to her at 2 Old Place, Bognor Regis, West Sussex, PO21 3AU.