Update 18 Dec 2017

The website is now under rebuild, a new layout style is being used and a range of items have been uploaded, the 2018 events programme and AGM 2017 minutes in particular.  The uploads should continue over the next few days.

WWT Slimbridge: The early new year visit to Slimbridge is planned for Sunday 7th January 2018 starting at around 09:30 for 10.00.  It is a good venue for meeting up with friends and having a non-strenuous time seeing the various aspects of the site. There is an entrance fee for non-WWT members.

Winter Duck 18: This, the premier event in the annual RAFOS calendar, will run from the 4th to 12th February 2018 to continue the WeBS coverage of North-West Scotland. Leader – Martin Routledge.

Islay Mist 2018:

In the Spring a young man’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love.    

Alfred, Lord Tennyson.

Those of us a tad older might instead think of Islay in Spring. If the idea of divers Divers, wads of Waders and calling Corncrakes appeals, we are planning the next Islay Mist for 12 to 19 May 18. If you are interested please drop a line to Team Knight on theknightsat2@gmail.com.

As another incentive, the good news is that work has started on the 9th distillery on the island. The bad news is that they’ve only just broken ground so it will be a while before production starts. Only 8 to choose from!


If members have reasonable pics showing members on RAFOS activities they could possibly copy them to me for making up background header pics for the website as I would like to vary the main header background to introduce a few faces for a change.